The EA Infrastructure Fund recommends grants that aim to improve the work of projects that use the principles of effective altruism, by increasing their access to talent, capital, ... EA Funds is an Effective Ventures project. Effective Ventures Foundation (UK) (EV UK) is a charity in England and Wales (with registered charity number 1149828 ...
Global Development Fund
Global health and development is a highly tractable area: even small donations can have a huge impact on improving people's lives and preventing premature deaths.. The problem is also very large in scale.As of 2015, over 700 million people were living under the international poverty line of $1.90/day. The UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation estimates that nearly 15,000 ...
Animal Welfare Fund
Animal Welfare Fund - Effective Altruism Funds
Long-Term Future Fund
Long-Term Future Fund - Effective Altruism Funds
EA Infrastructure Fund
The Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund aims to increase the impact of projects that use the principles of effective altruism, by increasing their access to talent, capital, and knowledge. ... EA Funds is an Effective Ventures project. Effective Ventures Foundation (UK) (EV UK) is a charity in England and Wales (with registered charity ...
Funding to organizations or people that aim to grow or improve the effective altruism community. ... FAQ Our Stats Grants Database Team Awards policy. EA Funds is an Effective Ventures project. Effective Ventures Foundation (UK) (EV UK) is a charity in England and Wales (with registered charity number 1149828, registered company number 07962181 ...